
Course content for C1 Italian courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the Italian C1 course as well as which topics are on which page.

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Italian C1

Chapter 1Arti Roma anticaKB 8-18AB 8-18Ancient Rome, the Roman Emperor, articles and prepositions with dates, adverbs, antonyms, Latin idioms.
Chapter 2Geografia Mari e montiKB 19-34FROM 19-34The Aeolian Islands, Italian geography and cuisine, reflexive form and depersonalizing form, combined pronouns, rhythm and intonation.
Chapter 3Società Periferia e architetturaKB 35-45AB 35-45The notion of periphery, architectural projects, Pisa between past and future, relative pronoun reference, double relative pronouns.
Chapter 4Arti CinemaKB 46-59AB 46-59The Italian cinema, concordances, the speech and the indirect speech, lexical groups.
Chapter 5Storia Cosa nostraKB 60-71AB 60-71The mafia phenomenon: origin, organization, structure and chronology of events, use of the future in the narration of past events, the similarity, The pronominal dislocations.
Chapter 6Lingua Non solo parolacceKB 72-82AB 72-82The swear word, indefinite forms, present and past, but, the gerund.