
Course content for A1 Spanish courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the Spanish A1 course as well as which topics are on which page.

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Spanish A1

EntryFirst stepsKB 7-15 FROM 119-122Asking for the first name Spelling Naming nationalities Talking about origin The verbs The personal pronouns The interrogative pronouns Adjectives of nationality The preposition The definite article The noun: gender and number The negation The numbers from 0 to 20
Chapter 1Personal dataKB 17-25 FROM 123-127Giving and asking for information about your place of residence, address, e-mail address and telephone number Introducing yourself Greeting and saying goodbye Regular verbs with -ar, -er, -ir Reflexive verbs Job titles The preposition en (with location) The demonstrative pronouns este, esta The indefinite article The interrogative pronouns ¿Cuál?, ¿Dónde?
Chapter 2Friends and familyKB 27-35 FROM 128-132The adjective gender and number The interrogative pronouns ¿Cuántos?, ¿Cuántas? Possessive companions mi, tu, su, The numbers from 21 to 100
Chapter 3When shopping and in the restaurantKB 37-45 FROM 133-137Shopping in the supermarket Asking the price Expressing liking and disliking Ordering in a restaurant Expressing preferences Verbs with vowel changes preferir The verb gustar Ir + a + infinitive The indirect object pronoun me, te, le (sing.) Otro/-a/-os/-as The negation II
Chapter 4Everyday lifeKB 51-59 FROM 140-144Talking about everyday activities Expressing the time and telling the time Talking about leisure activities Verbs with vowel changes e ➝ ie, o ➝ ue The irregular verbs salir, hacer The progressive form estar + gerundio The indirect object pronoun (plural)
Chapter 5City and pathsKB 61-69 FROM 145-151Describing a city or neighborhood Asking and stating what is in a city Asking and expressing where something is located Asking for and describing directions Talking about means of transport Verbs with vowel changes e ➝ ie Using hay and está/-n Place names The prepositions de and a + el Indefinite pronouns Double negation Ordinal numbers
Chapter 6Clothing and apartmentKB 71-79 FROM 152-159Naming items of clothing and colors Describing and shopping for items of clothing Naming items of furniture Comparing products and prices Talking about home furnishings The direct object pronoun lo, la, los, las The demonstrative pronouns este, ese The comparative The superlative The color adjectives
Chapter 7TravelKB 85-93 FROM 162-169Talking about something in the past Evaluating something Reporting on an excursion Stating the date Expressing preferences on the subject of travel The forms of the perfect tense Irregular perfect tenses Using the perfect tense Frequency information Ya / Todavía no
Chapter 8Free time and weekendKB 95-103 FROM 170-177Talk about planned activities Make a suggestion Make a phone call Agree or refuse a suggestion Make plans and arrange to meet Tener que + infinitive Poder + infinitive Querer + infinitive Quedar and quedarse The preposition con + pronoun
Chapter 9HealthKB 105-113 FROM 178-185Talking about your state of health Giving recommendations and advice Naming body parts Describing pain Making an appointment The affirmative imperative: regular and irregular forms The verb doler Estar and Ser with adjective